3 Attitudes to Embrace Change

Maybe you've heard the expression, "The only constant is change." Sometimes, life feels that way, doesn't it? Even when the change is positive, it can still cause our stomachs to somersault.In less than a month, I went from single to married and enrolled as a student for a summer class while juggling a full-time job. Exciting? For sure! Nerve-wracking? Maybe a little.Along the way, I realized my attitudes determine whether I enjoy the change or let it cause undue stress in my life. Maybe these takeaways are simplistic, but I hope they'll help you if you're facing changes.

#1: Welcome the Newness

Usually, a few moments after my head hits my pillow, I'm out cold. I tell my now-husband not to worry about waking me when he leaves for work, because I can basically sleep through anything.However, the night before my wedding, I couldn't sleep. I may have managed 3-4 hours, and that's a generous estimate.There's something about newness, change, uncertainty, and the unknown that unnerves us. At 2:00 in the morning on my wedding day, I realized I had two choices: embrace the newness, even if it's awkward, or over-think it and make it even more awkward. I chose to laugh at my clumsy moments in the first few weeks of marriage and reminded myself that I will only be newly married once. Why not relish the newness instead of cringe at it?

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That's what I decided to do, and as a result, I absolutely enjoyed those moments. Looking back on those first few weeks brings a smile to my lips and no regrets.

#2: Savor the Season

Here's the other thing about change. It doesn't last forever. The wedding day comes and goes. The honeymoon ends. The first day of class becomes a daily routine.What if instead of dreading the unknown, we focus on the anticipation? What if instead of worrying about failure or making mistakes, we look forward to learning and an opportunity to grow?

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven" (NKJV).

There are times for change, and each season brings its own challenges and blessings. Let's retrain our thinking to forecast joy instead of pain and abundance instead of scarcity.

#3: Remember Today's Change Becomes Tomorrow's Comfort Zone

Stop and think about that statement. The event or situation today that has us on pins and needles might very well be our new comfort zone in a few months or even a few weeks. That new job won't be new forever, and we'll be the seasoned employee and not the new hire before too long.Through all of life's changes, we can fix our eyes on the One constant that never changes: Jesus Christ, "the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8 NKJV). Whether change makes us want to laugh or cry, if we're God's children, we have the assurance that He will always be with us (Hebrews 13:5).


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