5 Common Idols to Kick to the Curb

Surrender: v. to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand

#1. Fear

Fear is the absence of peace. Fear is a killer. It ruins minds, destroys relationships, and weakens the strong.

If nothing else, the past few years have shown how quickly and easily fear can grip a person, and then grow. Fear can quickly become uncontrollable, and the consequences are often way bigger than one wishes to bear. Yet, how easy is it to allow fear in our lives? Every time we stay silent when we feel the Spirit’s urging to speak, every time we stay in when we know we should go out, every time we laugh at an unsavory joke because everyone else is laughing, every time we ignore the Spirit’s prodding is to make fear an idol.

Fear is not the Lord’s will for us. He wants us to live bold, audacious, and dangerous lives for Him. He wants to take us on the adventure of our lives, but how can we when we fear the waves more than we trust the Creator of the waves?  

Isaiah 35:4, John 14:27, Matthew 6:34, Isaiah 43:1, Isaiah 41:13

#2. Control

God’s way is unpredictable. His way will take you places you’ve never been to experience things you’ve never dreamed possible. His way is uncomfortable. It will stretch you and grow you and break you and put you back together again so many times you won’t recognize yourself. His way will bring embarrassment, pain, exclusion, and heartbreak. Surrendering to Him means losing every semblance of control you think you have on your life. But giving up that idol of control will fill you with the peace, joy, and love you’ve been craving. Losing control gives God the space to work in you and through you.

Jeremiah 29:11, Job 42:2, Isaiah 55:9, Ephesians 3:20

#3. Time

Serving God is hardly ever convenient. This is why churches often struggle with having enough volunteers, or why Bible study groups see lower attendance in the summer months. In a world that idolizes being and staying busy, it is time to make time to bow to the Creator of time. Where are you spending your time? Is it being spent scrolling social media or is it being spent reading the Bible? Are you too busy to stop and invest in the eternities of your children, friends, or coworkers? It is much too easy to allow time to get away from us while we spend it on good things instead of the best things?

Will you take some time with God today, allowing Him to direct your priorities and where He wants your time spent? 

Ephesians 5:16, James 4:14, Mark 13:32, John 9:4, Ephesians 5:15-17

#4. Others

Are you putting your family and their wants and needs before the God of the universe? Do you set aside time with your spouse more often than you set aside time for Jesus? Do you allow your children to dictate whether or not the fruit of patience is evident in your life today? Do you nod and go along with your friends even when what they’re saying or their decisions are contrary to truths in the Bible?

Who are you putting first? Whose opinion matters most to you? It is so very easy to slide things under the rug when it comes to our family. It’s so very easy to prioritize everyone else in our house and our community before our Lord. Why is that, when prioritizing God puts us in a better place to serve others?

John 15:12, 1 John 4:8, John 15:4-5, Mark 12:30-31

#5. Me, Myself, and I

Humans are naturally selfish beings. The first sin was a case of a couple playing God. When we play God we are putting our wants, needs, and opinions first.

When someone is turned off from the church because they felt judged, most times this idolization of self is the cause. Outside of salvation, the Bible leaves quite a bit up for interpretation. One such example is tattoos. Some Christians believe tattoos are strictly forbidden according to Old Testament law. Others believe that as long as images aren’t obscene or satanic, then tattoos are fair game. It is very easy to judge the other as wrong, too prude or too lax. When we idolize ourselves, we put our own convictions and beliefs about “gray” areas before our call to love others.

Are your opinions more important than the love God has called you to show others?

1 Corinthians 10:23-24, Ephesians 4:29, Matthew 7:5, James 3:17, Deuteronomy 10:17

What if we truly surrendered to Adonai, everything? What if we released all hurts, hang ups, and habits to Him? What if we let go of those close to us and the things and people we find happiness in? What would happen if we destroyed the idols of fear, control, time, others, and self? 

What if we lived as a people under the whole influence and control of the sovereign God of everything?


When We Surrender God Commits


The Rich Young Ruler