DailyPS Moving to New Leadership: Alex Sanfilippo's Final Post

I'm going to start this post by saying that this is a bittersweet day for me. I started DailyPS with a few friends (Actually, the first post was by Charles Hamrick on Jun 6, 2013) Since then it's grown to 141 people on the team. Today I am officially passing the leadership of DailyPS over to one of those very first writers, Joshua Delp (And his wife, Lisa). As sad as it is to remove myself from the leadership, I know that Joshua will take DailyPS further than Alex Sanfilippo ever could. (So it's the best move for the ministry!)

Listen to the Good Christian Podcast episode about this post:"Gaining the Right Perspective for Bittersweet Changes in Life + [HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT]"

Why is this happening?

I'm glad you asked! As my business, PodPros.com has grown, my focus has been spread thin. The readers of DailyPS deserve more attention than I can provide at this point.

Final thoughts from Alex:

As I started struggling through the decision to make this big change, I had a couple of things come to mind that I'd like to share with you today.

#1. "What got you here won't get you there." - Marshall Goldsmith

It's important in life to realize that we're always going to have to make changes. The things that brought us to where we are today will not be enough to get us to where we are going tomorrow. We have to be willing to let go of some things and allow them to be members that we can cherish as we drive forward to the future.If this is tough for you, as it is for me, remember that everything in this life is just preparation for eternity. We need to learn to establish an 'Eternity Mindset' Thinking about what God has for us after this short life.

#2. Learn to identify necessary endings - Then take action.

In the same vein I just mentioned, one of the greatest skills that any of us can acquire is the ability to know when it's time to close a door. No matter how great something has been in your life, or helpful, at some point, to make room for the next thing, we have to be willing to stop what we're doing today.I call this taking a calculated risk, then sacrificing the good for the sake of the potential great in our lives. (I get really deep into this in this podcast episode, 'How to Have a Better Life without Doing More Work')

#3. Remember that God's ways will always reign supreme.

For my final point, I actually found the very first blog post that I ever wrote here on DailyPS. and I wanted to share it as my third point because I think it relates extremely well to what I'm sharing today. Here it is:

Alex Sanfilippo's first post on DailyPS, September 20th, 2013 (Yes, I corrected some typos haha):

The Heart of Man Plans His Way, but the Lord Establishes His Steps

I have always been a very self-motivated person. I always have a lot of goals in life, both short and long-term. Having goals is not a bad thing at all. However, my problem used to be that I would set my goals above everything else. The number one priority to me was the things that I wanted. I was willing to push everyone to the side to accomplish the plans that I had set for my life.Years ago, I decided to stop living for myself and start to follow the plans that God has for my life. Since then, I have noticed a change in my wants and desires. Things that I used to want, and have goals set for, no longer seem relevant to me. Isaiah 55:9 says that God's ways are higher than our ways. Once I started living for God's plan instead of my own, I realized the truth in this verse.I am writing this as someone who was stubbornly set in their ways but is now completely transformed. I had my ways planned, but I knew what I wanted to do with my life. Once I surrendered to God by letting him guide my steps, those plans changed. Today my life is forever changed; I still have goals that I am motivated to achieve, but now I look at these goals through the filter of God's word.The transition to get to this place of transformation was a journey. Changing from living for yourself to following God's plans isn't always easy.

These are two questions I will find myself asking that have been helpful:

  • "Is there anything in my life that I am fighting God for control of?"
  • "Is there something that I am still doing in my way instead of trusting in Him?"

Today I want to encourage you to start to surrender to God's plans. His ways are higher than yours. Trust the steps that God will lead you to take. The true path to success is achieved by fully surrendering to His ways and dying to your own.Jeremiah 29:11"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."Proverbs 16:9The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Alex Sanfilippo's Closing Remarks:

DailyPS has been an incredible experience for me. I am beyond thankful for the 141 people who have helped me along the way. Warmest welcome to Joshua Delp and Lisa Delp! Thank you so much everyone for such an amazing ride. I love each of you and will forever hold the memories of what we created here. But, I'm even more excited about where it's going under the Delp's leadership!I'll end this post the same way I end every email I send, "Looking Forward"


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