I Surrender All

The sweet melody of an old hymn I Surrender All began to hum in my soul. With my hands lifted high, I started to sing these words of praise, “I surrender all.  All to Jesus I surrender all to him I freely give. I will ever love and trust him. In his presence daily live. I surrender all. All to thee my blessed savior. I surrender all.”

Singing the words with the faith knowing that Jesus surrendered all so that we can live brings a deep sense of freedom. When I surrender all to Jesus the chains of this fleshy life fall off. In the truth of the words of this song, I feel like I am right next to Jesus, safe and secure in my heavenly home. 

Van Deventer said of his work after he wrote this hymn, “For some time, I had struggled between developing my talents in the field of art and going into full-time evangelistic work. At last the pivotal hour of my life came, and I surrendered all. A new day was ushered into my life. I became an evangelist and discovered down deep in my soul a talent hitherto unknown to me. God had hidden a song in my heart, and touching a tender chord, He caused me to sing.”

I remember that pivotal moment in my life when God asked me, “Are you willing to give up mothers, brothers, houses, and possessions for the sake of the gospel?”

In His word He told me, “If you are, it will come back to you a hundred times as much in this lifetime-homes, family, mothers, brothers, sisters, children, possessions, along with persecutions. And in the age to come you will inherit eternal life.”

He told me like he tells us all, “If you truly want to follow me, you must give up your own way, take up your cross and follow me. For when you do, when you surrender to all my ways, you will find your life, but if you try to hang on to it you will lose it.” 

I remember these words come into perfect clarity. This was the call. Saying yes to a complete surrender to the will and plans of my Father. For me, on that day, God asked me to make an outward commitment to the work he was already doing in my heart. I knew what he was calling me to do, but I also knew the burden it would bring by saying yes.

Looking back, there was a burden, but it was so light because our God is a miracle working God! His ways are higher, and he knew if I would just walk with him, he would help share the load.

When we surrender we aren’t doing it alone. We have a friend and savior who is carrying that cross right alongside of us. The walk to Golgotha brought death to Jesus, but because of his ultimate sacrifice and complete surrender to the will of the Father, our walk to complete surrender is one of life! We get to throw off the shackles and garments of decay and run to Jesus! At the foot of the cross we gain victory.

What a wonderful journey it is to surrender it all to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What a sweet peace we gain and a fresh perspective when we give our lives to Jesus. When we do, this hymn will ring true: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”

So, surrender all my little children and as you do look upon my face.

All I want is every part of you. Give me your dreams and passions and watch as I breath my breath of life and purpose into you. It will be like a chain reaction that grows in power and impact. Nothing can stop what I have started, and no one can close a door that I have opened for you.

Have faith my little children for I care for every hair on your head. Every intricate design on your fingerprint I created so that you would know you are one of a kind, never to be duplicated. You are precious to me. Tears of joy fill my eyes when I see a surrendered heart because I know you know how I feel about you. You won’t walk away, my strong remnant you will remain. Watch for me, for I will be calling you home soon enough, but first, be the bride I have called you to be. Stand tall like the cedars of Lebanon and stand against the coming wave of persecution.

When you give your surrendered heart to me you won’t miss my might move. For most will, but the ones with surrendered hearts will see me in all my glory. So, don’t be afraid my children, because living surrendered to me is truly a gift to you.  

Resources/Scripture references: 

This passage of prayer below, from Dangerous Prayers by Craig Groeschel, has shown me how to surrender every part of me and give it to God. It’s only a few lines from the book, but I pray it is a practical tool in your everyday journey with surrendering your life to Christ.

Heavenly Father, because you gave Jesus for me, I give my whole day to you today. Every part of me is yours. Take each part of the body you created and consecrate it for your purposes today.

God, I give you my mind. Please guard my thoughts.

Lord, I give you my eyes. Help me look on things that are pure and honorable to you.

God, guard my ears. Protect me from listening to lies from the evil one. May I only hear your voice, you Spirit, your truth guiding me.

God, set a guard over my mouth. May every word that I speak be pleasing to you. I know my words have the power to give life and take life.

Lord, help me guard my heart. Purify my motives in all that I do. May my only goal be to serve and please you.

God may my hands be your hands in the world today.

Lord, direct the steps of my feet. Keep me from the wrong places that might tempt me to sin against you. God, I devote every part of me to you and to your will today.

Mark 10:29

Matthew 16:24-25


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Surrendering to God