“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God” - Exodus 20:4-6

“Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” - Matthew 22:36-40

Today we are talking about idols.

Now, it would be easy for me to list a bunch of things for you to surrender and hope to hit on the one that applies to you. But idols look different for everyone. Each of us has our vices and weakness, sin, our grief, pain, childhood memories and our own lives to journey through, as adults trying to live sincerely for Christ.

But, in the spirit of vulnerability, there are four major things I have personally had to learn not to idolise and I want to share them with you in the hopes that my revelation might help you.

1. My husband

I love my husband. Nick and I are one, joined together until death do us part. It can be very easy to look to nick and ask him to fulfill all my needs and desires. But we are also separate beings before God and that is an important distinction. When I place my husband on a pedestal, lean into him instead if leaning into God (for decisions, companionship, even happiness) then, not only do I place too much pressure on Nick, I placed him where God should go and in doing so I sadden Gods heart.

God wants us to find our joy and contentment in Him, and to go to him with our worries.

2. My old age and future

All of the possible outcomes of life need to be surrendered as we journey to old age. What we do for a living, what house we own, what car we drive. These things don’t matter, as much as we would like to make them. What matters are our heart and motives, our devotion and worship, our trust, our love for God and how we love his people. The idol of our future looks like reliance on “things” that make us feel comfortable our bank account, our status, our retirement plan.

I have seen people cling so tight to their earthly material possessions, a legacy that will be thrown in the bin once they’ve passed away. Instead of trusting in God they hoard and collect items believing those items can bring happiness and security.

(Matthew 6:19-21)

But God wants our trust, He knows that “things” will not provide true happiness.

He desires for us to place our old age idol into his hands.

3. My children

Ten years ago we become long term/ permanent foster care parents for three little boys who were 4, 2 and 1 years old. We had open hearts and we believed that we could provide a loving family for these children. But truthfully many, many times I have had to surrender my ideals, my perception, of how I wanted the season look, versus what it looks like.

What I thought parenting and family life was like - my thoughts and ideals on how I think God should work in our kids lives has been challenged many times. I’ve had to surrender my image of God as the genie who fixes everything and learn to worship God who is present in our crazy wild family.

Almost daily I have to swap my idol of perfection for Gods perfect nature of Grace. Sometimes it is a sweet swap readily passing him my heart. Other times he really needs to claw that fake God out of my hands.

Each time I surrender, it draws me closer to Him in intimacy.

4. My calling

The calling idol looks like the desire to be worshiped, acknowledged or to have status in our calling. Telling God what and where he should place us and how and what we should be.

I’ve always believed my calling was to build the church and serve in church ministry.

I’ve had to surrender this many many times and reconsider what ministry looks like in different seasons. I’ve had to work out what supporting my family and husband in his role actually means and how sometimes ministry is being faithful outside the church walls and in your workplace or home life, with friends and family.

That life, itself, is a ministry love.

So what about you ?

When things turn sour in our idealised life can we surrender? Can we pass along what we’re holding above His good name, ways and plans ?

Can we surrender what we think is best for what God does?

And when things are going well, can we still surrender and remember to thank God for His goodness and devote ourselves to worshipping Him and serving others?

Surrendering to God is an active, daily thing. Placing our lives at His feet again and again.

Prayer: Lord, May we place our idols at your feet, Maywe place our love, devotion and trust in you and look to your ways instead of trusting in man or holding tight to outcomes or manipulating futures. May we find your joy. Amen


Surrendering to God


Serving or Success Depends on Your Heart