The Sad Truth Behind Christians Living a Sinful Lifestyle

I'm going to start this post off with a statement that you wouldn't expect to read here on DailyPS. Sin is fun. "Gasp! Did Alex just say that?" Yes, yes I did. But don't act surprised, you know this to be true. Everyone knows that living contradictory to the word of God isn’t difficult, and it is often fun. Or at least... it's fun at first. The truth is, sin leads you down a path in life, just like every other decision you make. Christians living a sinful lifestyle need to understand that the decision to live a sinful life is taking them down a dark path that is very difficult to correct or change.

What does living a sinful lifestyle mean?

We live in a post-Christian world. Most people who claim to be Christian aren't Christians (I'm not judging anyone or picking specific people out.) But, the Bible talks about knowing His people by their fruit. Some "Christians" aren't producing fruit, so what does that mean?

By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn-bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. - Matthew 7:15-20 NIV

This passage from the Bible is about everyone who claims to be a believer. If you're not bearing good fruit, the question is this: are you actually a Christian? Anyway, this post is not about salvation - For more on that topic, read this post: Am I really saved? (Will I make it to Heaven?)

Today's post is not intended to scare you. Instead, it's to encourage and challenge you to live a lifestyle free from sin.

I see many Christians that decide to live contrary to the word of God because they believe it’s something that is benefiting their life. There are many things in life that at the beginning seem like they are helping you, but they end up leading you to a dark place.

A fitting example that I can use is drinking.

You may be going through a rough time in life, and you decide to start drinking a little bit to help mask the pain. I’ve known many well-meaning people that have started down this road. At first, people find that drinking does help. It masks the pain and makes you feel numb to the difficulties of your life. But, not long after beginning this emotional drinking, many people find that they've become addicted to it, and it becomes their first place to turn when they are feeling pain.Here's the deal, I have no problem with drinking at all. However, Drinking, as you know, has ended many lives or leads people to live a very sinful/unproductive lifestyle. When people reach the point of becoming an alcoholic, they have entered a place of real bondage. And guess what? This place of bondage started with a single drink at some point.Think about that. Entering a place of severe bondage and unhealthy actions began with a single drink to mask a painful time in someone's life.

Sin starts with a feeling of freedom but ends in a place of bondage.

Please do not miss my point; there is nothing wrong with drinking. I am not bashing it or saying that you should never drink. I'm just using drinking as an example. Because I've watched this form of sin destroy the lives of many people that have been precious to me. Again, it's easy to go to the bottle instead of to God when you get hurt. In the end, the people I've seen turn to drinking, feel worse than when they started, and now have serious addictions and health issues to overcome.Here's the deal; all sin leads to bondage. As my example, I could have just as easily talked about how people who are experiencing self-worth issues turn to sex to make themselves feel better. Or how about the person who gets easily offended and cuts off friendships instead of mending them? These are other examples of sin leading to bondage.

Related Post: Why Should We Wait for Sex?

Here's what I want you to do (this is the point of my post today):

Think about the choices that you've made in your life. Are any of them sinful or leading you down a path that you should not go down? If you take a step back, are you already in a place of bondage? Now think about your future. What affect will the choices you are making today have on your future? Are your actions taking you in the right direction?

If you're a Christian living a sinful lifestyle, I urge you to make an immediate change!

I encourage you today, really pray and ask God to convict you of any sin in your life. Repent and surrender it to God. Begin living the life of freedom that He has given to you freely. God has better in store for us all!


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