When You Decide Your Desires, You Desire Differently

What motivates you? How we see the world will determine the motivating forces in our lives. If you see life as a race to get to the top, and getting to the top as the ultimate good, you will leave damaged relationships in the wake of your quest. I can speak from experience on that topic. Think about it, what is it you want from this life?If you see life as a mission to serve, and seeing a cause advanced as the greatest good, then you will serve to your utmost for the greatest impact.

How we see the world shapes our desires.

So many things in life begin with this. Zig Ziglar always used to talk about burning desire. Humankind has this amazing ability to get exactly what it desires. This fire of the heart and soul is one of the key driving ethics in our very being.

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The amazing thing about desire is we have the choice to decide which ones we will form our lives around. Gandhi formed his life around the drive for wanting freedom for his people. Hitler desired tyranny and abomination. Both got what they desired.

I wonder what is driving your life.

Be ye ever so careful about the desires of your heart.  Not all of them are holy desires. They may be “good” desires. But to desire anything but God as highest desire is idolatry. Our entire world and much of the culture of the world is simply a collage of idols.If you have decided to follow Jesus, to live for God, then our Master has made it plain. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.” SO much of our culture, therefore our worldview, are not God- based wants.

Take some time today with pen and paper.

List the things you are chasing after in life. Ask God to show you the priorities and values in your life that do not bring Him glory or that do not draw you into His deeper love and lordship.Repent. Ask God to put in you Holy Desires. The scripture declares that as we “Delight our selves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart.” - Psalm 37:4 ESV


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