Quarterly Missions Partner

One of our values at The Good Christian Co. is to seek to serve, free of agenda. Therefore, every quarter we will highlight one missions group, christian non-profit, or ministry to bring awareness while raising funds for their mission. We know our impact is only as far as our reach, so we understand the importance of partnering with others to achieve a greater mission.

Okoa Refuge

This quarter (April thru June), we are partnering with Okoa Refuge. Joshua has been friends with the founders for years and we, at the Good Christian Co., believe their mission aligns with our mission and values here.

In partnership with the local church, Okoa Refuge exists to glorify Christ through stabilizing the family unit and transforming entire communities.

Okoa started as a home for orphaned and vulnerable children. Okoa founders, Tyler and Liv Workman, had a vision to rescue children from dire situations. As you can imagine, once they moved to Uganda in 2012, their vision and dream began to truly take shape. What started as a dream to care for a few children, became a vision to transform entire communities. 

Gradually, each of Okoa's projects was added in response to the needs of the vast community. As the years have passed by, new needs and new opportunities have presented themselves. Okoa approaches each new project possibility with an open mind and a desire - not to give hand outs - but to empower families to stay together.

The whole congregation of believers was united as one - one heart, one mind! They didn’t even claim ownership of their own possessions. No one said, “That’s mine; you can’t have it.” They shared everything.

— Acts 4:32 MSG