Our Team

Joshua Delp

Joshua Delp, Co-Owner

What to say? Honestly, I am just a sinful man trying to follow Jesus. I love Him with everything I’ve got and I’ve given my whole life to knowing Him and making Him known. I believe Jesus is the answer. He is the hope of humanity. He saved me out of a very broken life and has redeemed me, healed me freed me from so much and given me a life of purpose and influence I could have never dreamt of.

Convictions like these led me away from wanting a “normal” life and into a life of calling and surrender. I hate seeing people struggle and I love seeing people thrive in life, and ultimately God’s way is the Way of Life. This lead me to being a pastor and minister which I count as sacred trust and incredible honor to serve people and do my best to point people to salvation in Jesus Christ. I’ve had the joy of serving, leading and ministering in 4 continents, in many cultures, and I’ve seen the Kingdom advance all over the world. This is why I get out of bed in the morning.

Currently, I’m grateful to be serving at Newsoul Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico as the Associate Pastor. Along with the Good Christian Co, I also have a leadership coaching practice called Rising Leadership that is all about helping you lead better; Better lives, Better Teams and Better Organizations.

God has been so gracious to me. He has saved me, called me, given me purpose, and given me my beautiful bride, Lisa. I pray that this endeavor of ours will truly help more people follow Jesus well in the crazy modern world we live in. I’m a builder; everything I do is for the building up of what is good. I pray you are built up through the Good Christian Co’s mission and vision.

Lisa Spengler Delp

Lisa Delp, Co-Owner

Hi! I’m one of the co-owners of The Good Christian Co. with my husband, Joshua! My role here is all things marketing, design, creation, organization, etc. I am originally from North Carolina, went to college in South Carolina, then moved to Jacksonville, FL where I met my husband. We are now located in Albuquerque, NM.

My time in Florida reshaped my relationship with God, lighting a passion for His Church and growing in my walk with Him.

While my background is in events and marketing, I am also truly passionate about women’s ministry and ministry in general. I believe that God’s purpose for my life is to create - whether that be create artwork, create environments, create websites, or to create relationship.

Eddie Leighton

Eddie Leighton, Podcast Co-Host

Hey! My name is Eddie Leighton and I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico with my amazing wife, Amy, and our four beautiful children.

Since 2006, I have been involved in foreign missions as well as local ministry. I have helped pioneer evangelistic youth discipleship over the years and now I’m currently serving as youth pastor at Newsoul Church. I am an entrepreneur in the medical field, have a background in emergency nursing, and have a masters degree as a YouTube certified mechanic (anyone else?).

My true passion is to teach and unpack the wisdom and the heart of God to the world.

Kortney Amy, Writer

Hi! My name is Kortney, and the first thing you need to know about me is that I am a born-again daughter of the King of kings. I have been married to the man I want to grow up and grow old with for 5 years this summer. We are in the throes of raising a family with a very spirited and fearless 3-year-old daughter, and a tenderhearted and sweet 1.5-year-old daughter. I am blessed to be able to stay at home with my girls, and currently run a from-home side gig, as well as am a coordinator for a local MOPS and MomsNext group.

In this world that is growing increasingly hostile towards Christians and in particular, women and moms, it is my passion to be the mom, wife, and woman God has called me to be, and to raise my girls to be fearless, strong, and kind women who are wholeheartedly passionate for Christ. Perhaps, along the way I can encourage others to live shameless and dangerous lives for God as well.

William Butt

William Butt, Writer

My name is William Butt. I am a pastor located in Northern Virginia. I am married and have an awesome 7 year old son named Rowan. I graduated from Liberty University with a Master’s in Christian Ministries in 2019. I started writing in 2019 and I found that I love it! It gives me an outlet and it also lets me develop ideas that do not get confined to a timeframe like a sermon does. In my free time, you can find me in the gym or reading a book. My family is also a big baseball family! My goal in life is to help people not only find Jesus but to deepen their faith in Him. The life of a disciple of Christ, is the most rewarding life one can have.

El Edwards, Youier

El Edwards, Writer

Irrepressible silver-lining-spotter El (short for 'Eleanor' but it's too hard for most people to spell!) Edwards is a published author, writer and coach from South Wales in the UK.

Using bible-friendly happiness writing, training and community, El’s here to help you hear God's heart and have fun with Him, to embrace who you are when you're not trying to live by anyone else's expectations, to step into the incredible story God's written for your life. To be who God created you to be when He dreamed you into existence with His love.

When she's not writing herself into a corner, you’ll find her shamelessly watching Doctor Who while enjoying a soy flat white (it’s a bit like a latté but with less milk), taking her dog for a walk in the rain (there’s a reason why the grass is always so green in Wales!) or playing unpaid taxi driver for one of her three teenagers. (Yes, it’s a cliche she desperately wishes wasn’t true!)

El wants to live in a world where silver-lining spotting is taught to all ten year olds, growing up is outlawed and laughter is the magic pill that cures all.

To find out more and get to know El, go to Youier.com

Alana Fisk

Alana Fisk, Writer

Hi my name is Alana, I have been a christian for 23 years and attended and served Hillsong Church for over 20 years 

I am a wife to an exceptional man and a mum to five wild children. Four boys and one girl. What I thought would be a white picket fence and happily forever after story has been a story of highs and lows, foster care systems, infertility treatment, baby loss and special needs kids.

 I previously worked at an Australian Christian bookshop for 14 years, amongst all my beloved authors books. 

I currently work in aged care 

My heart is for the Church and community of believers in all her brokenness to be a place of healing, redemption, bible reading, prayer, worship and mostly all about Jesus.

I desire to write as honesty as I can and I am looking forward to being challenged, thoughts expanded, faith inspired and heart encouraged as I join The Good Christian Co community.

Sarah Groves

Sarah Groves, Writer

Hi! My name is Sarah Groves and I live in Indianapolis, Indiana. I am working as a HR Generalist in the Home Health Care field. I facilitate the hiring and onboarding process for my company, as well as helping our employees enroll in benefits.

I started blogging because I was raising funds to go to Vilnius, Lithuiana to serve alongside a church planting team. Someone suggested it would be a good place to keep friends and family updated on how God was moving and what I was doing. It grew from there, and I just love being able to hear God through my writing and share that with others.

Coree McGinty

Coree McGinty, Writer

I am originally from a small mountain town called Woodford in New South Wales, Australia. I have been fortunate to have lived and worked in the Middle East, China and England teaching in international schools before moving to Jacksonville Florida in 2016. 

In 2021, I founded Restored by God’s Grace LLC, I am passionate about providing a Christian based Personal Development and Business Coaching service to the community. I am currently a Realtor with Herron Real Estate in Orange Park FL and I also work as a Mortgage Loan Officer (NMLS 2295424) with Bold City Mortgage. In addition, I am the Director of the children’s program at City Bible Church in Jacksonville and a Stephen Minister.

 As an educator I have been writing for the past 17 years, in particular about curriculum development and design. In my business endeavors I write about marketing and client service as I believe these are a priority for building and repeat business. I am also currently working on a devotional, which I am hoping to have published sometime in 2023.

 I am passionate about sharing the love of Jesus Christ and I believe that we are not just called to be Christians but to be active Christians, by conveying the love of Jesus to others.

Roni Musambasi, Writer

Hi my name is Roni, I was born on the beautiful continent of Africa, in Zimbabwe, where I was brought up by my absolutely amazing parents who had six of us while working full time jobs- legends. I migrated to the United Kingdom straight out of high school and am now officially an AfroPean aka AfroBrit 😍

I have the most adorable son with my husband of just over two years and we currently live in the heart of London.

My journey with Jesus began when I was 9 years old at Scripture Union in primary school and His Church has been one of my loves-in-life since then.

I work as a liaison psychiatric nurse here in London and I love my job.... Most days.

My life can be described in a few words... God, family, friends, Rugby and social justice...also funny memes (in that order😂)

Being a part of the #goodchristianco team & community has been one of the high points of my year and I am convinced the best is yet to come for us.

Robby Ortiz

Robby Ortiz, Writer

I have been a Christian for 30 years and by God’s grace I have been left standing still committed and passionate about His Church and power of Truth to redeem the world. I am a native to Santa Fe, NM but now reside in Albuquerque, New Mexico with my wife and two children.

For the last 6 years I was a full-time pastor in Pastoral Care, engaging with our most vulnerable people groups and those undergoing crises of every kind. The first thing I realized in taking this type of role was that I needed a much stronger apologetic base to be able to minster honestly and compassionately to people. Much of my personal learning and study revolves around digging to the bedrock of truth and removing any sand from our foundations. Nothing reveals the cracks in our foundations like a crisis, a loss, or an attack. I now work as a Hospice Chaplain where all this study and knowledge has come in just as good use.

I’m new to writing for an audience. Writing has long been my practice for reflecting and capturing my myriad of thoughts before they drift away (like most introverts I have way too many thoughts to handle). Many of the things I like to think about and subsequently write about are personal revelations as I observe God at work in the world, His Word, and our shifting cultures. Revelation is always best when it’s shared and tested in conversation and community. I like complex things spoken simply but profoundly. I hope I’ll land somewhere near that for you.

Samantha Ortiz, Writer

Hello! My name is Samantha and I’m currently living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I am a wife and mother of two beautifully neurodivergent kids who keep me very busy and constantly in prayer! My husband and I have been pastoring people for the last ten years in every capacity imaginable, and I love it.

I also like to say that I’m a writer who loves to edit, and an editor who loves to write — I run a freelance editing business and have been writing Christian Fiction for nearly 15 years.

I will talk to you about the discipline of writing and editing all day—I’m geekishly passionate about both-- but it’s important to note that it means nothing to me if my focus is not on pastoring and shepherding the Body of Christ with my words. For this reason, I’m honored to get to contribute to The Good Christian Co. and hopefully my words will be of help to you all.

Kai-Di Banton, Writer

My name is Kai-Di Banton; I was born in Santiago, Chile and moved to Australia in 1996 at the age of 9. I still reside in Australia and consider it to be one of the best places in the world. I am a mother, a wife and a student, but above all, I am a daughter of God.

I spend most of my time reading, studying, and trying my very best to look after my family while also managing my extreme extroversion and neurodiversity. I started writing several years ago as a creative outlet, where I wrote my first novel draft in a month, in all honesty, because “why not?” and I never turned back. I have done various forms of creative and technical writing within my studies and voluntarily within Church, but I can honestly say that storytelling, no matter the format, is where I feel I can contribute to the community most.

I am currently studying for my Bachelor’s in Theology; between that and parenting four kids alongside my amazing and very creative husband, I have found communicating and exploring faith in the written format to be a blessing, where meditation and reflection come out in a way, I could not adequately convey in conversation given that I practically bounce off the walls. I am very excited to step outside my comfort zone by joining The Good Christian Co. alongside amazing writers who value God, faith and community. I pray that others will be directed back to God through my writing as much as I find myself to be; after all, this journey of life is best done together.

Julia Machanik

Writer, marketer, follower of Christ. Passionate about bringing my words to the right people.